Ajmal Dawakhana offers over-the-counter herbal products that are safe to consume without needing a valid prescription. Their ingredients contain natural components that are effective for treating various health issues.
Medicinal plants are threatened by unsustainable harvesting practices, habitat degradation, and climate change. To safeguard these resources we require better education about herbal medicine.
Ajmal Dawakhana’s products are formulated from herbs and other natural ingredients sourced from nature. While not intended to replace prescription medications, these over-the-counter medicines can be safely taken without doctor approval and pose no side effects - while being effective against many diseases and illnesses.
Discover the latest market trends and opportunities in Herbal/Traditional Products with research from Euromonitor International's team of in-country analysts. Understand how changing consumer needs, health concerns, and regulatory changes are impacting sales so you can confidently plan your business strategy. With modern biotechnological interventions such as invitro cultures and micropropagation, we can produce medicinally important herbs at larger scales which not only reduce our dependency on foreign sources but also boost Pakistan's economy.
Medicinal plants have long been used by Asian populations as an alternative treatment option and self-treatment solution (Brevort, 1998). As such, the public perceives herbal products to be safe and free of side effects (Brevort 1998). Unfortunately, however, most countries sell these herbs as food supplements rather than medicines and do not undergo stringent regulatory processes that ensure their safety and quality - leaving them susceptible to contamination by toxic heavy metals or unknown pharmacological agents that may exist undeclared within them.
Unintentional poisoning with herbal preparations claims a shocking number of lives each year, due to a combination of factors. One important contributor is poor quality control in herb collection and preparation; another factor is inadequate training and awareness among medical practitioners on how best to use herbal medications; this also applies to lay users turning increasingly towards them as healthcare products.
DRAP (Pakistan's national drug authority) is working on legislation that would regulate the manufacture and import of herbal products online in Pakistan, require suppliers to submit safety assessments and ingredient lists, as well as enable large-scale biotechnological production of medicinally important herbs with sustainable metabolite profiles.
Customer Service
Ajmal Dawakhana offers premium herbal products made with all-natural ingredients that are available through various retailers such as pharmacies and online stores. Their 100% money-back guarantee and free shipping guarantee are also offered with each item purchased; in addition, their services include educating patients on proper usage and dosage requirements.
Consumers need to understand where and how they should purchase herbal medicines and health products to receive all of the information required for safe usage. In the short term, this may mean seeking products in stores where staff have expertise with herbal medicines or health products; over time it will likely involve written information being included with each purchase of such items.
Payment Options
As demand for herbal supplements and medicines continues to surge, consumers must understand all available payment methods - this includes using e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, and specialist herbal health websites - as these methods may help find products suitable to both your specific needs and budget.
Euro Monitor International's Herbal/Traditional Products in Pakistan market research report offers the latest industry analysis and growth forecast. Our in-country analysts possess deep expertise in their fields, possessing vast knowledge of local regulations and business challenges as well as being adept at recognizing opportunities in times of market uncertainty.
Research in medicinal plants remains a limited resource area. However, an engaged government policy and regulatory environment, public awareness initiatives, and modern biotechnological interventions such as in-vitro cultures and micropropagation could result in large-scale commercial production of medically relevant ingredients.