Men often struggle with issues related to sexual performance, stamina, endurance, and energy levels - men's health supplements may provide invaluable support in these areas.
Hamdard Kushta Qal'al is a Unani herbal aphrodisiac that can help with treating erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation (PE), and nocturnal emission. Additionally, it increases fertility while thickening semen.
Premature Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a sexual disorder that can create considerable distress for men, their partners, and their relationships. PE may stem from anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, and sexual abuse histories - factors that psychological treatment may help minimize or alleviate. Premature Ejaculation may also be brought on by medications like antidepressants or some narcotics; to address the situation further, an urologist can recommend appropriate therapies.
Treatment options for PE include behavioral techniques, medications, and counseling. Combination therapy typically proves most successful; for instance, relaxing techniques may help decrease anxiety before and during sex, providing much-needed assistance for people suffering from PE due to psychological or emotional concerns.
Aphrodisiac Supplements
Medication used to treat PE includes the aphrodisiac supplements Horny Goat Weed and Siberian Ginseng, which can increase sperm production and improve erections. An urologist may also prescribe an antidepressant that helps delay Ejaculation; delayed orgasm is one side effect of several antidepressants such as paroxetine (Paxil), fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and citalopram (Celexa). Finally, tricyclic antidepressants like Clomipramine (Anafranil) also delay orgasm.
Men with PE often suffer from anxiety and depression, interfering with their ability to relax during sexual encounters. Anxiety may contribute to PE by decreasing serotonin levels - essential for orgasm! Changing the diet to include more nutrient-rich foods to increase serotonin production naturally may help. Also, consider trying nonsexual activities like naming sequences during your sexual sessions for distraction.
If you are a male suffering from PE, it is wise to seek medical assistance as soon as possible. A healthcare provider will ask questions about your sex life and perform a physical exam before ordering blood tests that include sperm count analysis. If there are primary severe medical conditions present first before treating PE, this can prevent complications during sexual encounters and increase quality of life.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most prevalent sexual disorders among men. It may arise due to stress, low testosterone, heart disease, or any combination thereof, so knowing its symptoms early is crucial in seeking medical help as soon as possible. Your doctor will likely conduct a physical exam and run blood and urine tests to ascertain its source. In some instances, your physician may suggest penile Doppler ultrasound to determine the shape and size of blood vessels within your penis and thus help identify what caused ED.
Many medications can cause sexual side effects, including erectile dysfunction and priapism. However, most instances are mild and can be prevented using lower medication dosages. Alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco products, and certain dietary supplements can also have unwanted sexual side effects; as with all treatments or remedies, it's advisable to check with a healthcare provider first before beginning their use.
Your doctor will conduct both a physical examination and an interview to understand your lifestyle and medical history before giving specific instructions for treating your sex problem. If the cause of erectile dysfunction is psychological in nature, however, they may suggest therapy or alternative approaches as treatments.
Patterns of Sexual Dysfunction
This study assessed patterns of sexual dysfunction among those visiting a psychiatric clinic at a tertiary care university hospital. Most participants were educated married men with professional or business backgrounds who sought help at this psychiatric clinic for either erectile dysfunction, premature Ejaculation, and/or depression.
Non-marital sexual practices in Pakistan are widespread despite being illegal. A recent study demonstrated this by showing a sizeable percentage of the population engages in non-marital sexual behavior from an early age, including condom use and drug misuse among young, uneducated men. According to this research, factors associated with these behaviors include modern condom use as well as high levels of drug misuse among this demographic group.
Infertility is a complex condition with many causes. These could include sexually transmitted infections (STIs), age, ovulation disorders, or genetic factors. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of infertility will allow you to seek medical help when necessary; common indicators include irregular ovulation cycles, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, headaches, and depression. Early treatment could increase the chances of conception while improving the quality of life for you and your future partners.
Pakistanis face infertility at an estimated prevalence rate of 22%. Its cause remains undiagnosed due to a lack of awareness regarding affordable treatment options or cultural beliefs that prevent women from seeking professional medical help for infertility - such as thinking infertility is God's will - which may result in psychological trauma for the woman seeking assistance.
Comprehensive Infertility Care
Pakistani couples require access to comprehensive infertility care that addresses awareness, stigma, and medical interventions. Furthermore, Pakistan must promote the creation of a comprehensive Sexual medication for males to Reproductive Health curriculum as well as train existing health workers on this matter. Finally, an outreach strategy plan must be implemented to reach marginalized groups.
Unani herbs and supplements are an effective and safe solution for infertility treatment, increasing fertility, and treating premature Ejaculation or strengthening testicles. Originating in Greece and subsequently refined by great Islamic physicians like al-Razi (Hippocrates), al-Ma'ail (Galen), and Ibn Sina (Avicenna) as a holistic system, Unani is founded upon Greek concepts of four humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile.
Men who wish to increase fertility should engage in healthy activities and avoid smoking and engaging in unprotected sex, as this increases their risk of sexually transmitted diseases and could impact fertility in the future. Furthermore, contraceptives are vital to lower infection risks.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are an overwhelming global health burden with significant morbidity and stigma, including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, and HIV being among the most frequently spread STIs. Most often spread through unprotected sex and unsafe protocols of intercourse, yet many men remain unaware of these diseases' risks or do not seek treatment; it is, therefore, imperative to understand how knowledge and awareness of STDs differ across populations to enhance prevention efforts against STD prevention efforts and improve prevention efforts against infection.
This study's goal was to assess Pakistani men's knowledge about various sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and assess any relevant influences on them. A survey was conducted in Faisalabad with a structured questionnaire; participants answered questions regarding demographic characteristics, symptoms, modes of transmission, treatment options, and healthcare providers who offered help before the interview began. Results revealed that 68.7% had sought some form of medical help for their STIs before being interviewed - most went directly to a hospital (33.4%), followed by 55.3% by private physicians trained in modern medicine practices followed by 8.6% by traditional healers - before beginning this survey.
This study indicates that awareness about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Pakistan is poor, and there are widespread misperceptions about them among its population. Unfortunately, such inaccuracy in information can lead to ineffective sex prevention and treatment practices and stigmatization of patients. Gonorrhea is the most frequently reported sexually transmitted infection (STI) among this population.
It can result in serious medical complications that are difficult to treat. Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria, most cases occur among individuals engaging in unprotected sexual activity. Gonorrhea can also be caused by other bacterial infections like syphilis, trichomonas, and herpes; its symptoms include pain, bleeding, and vaginal discharge. Left untreated; it may even result in infertility and death if left untreated - though luckily, gonorrhea can be prevented with antibiotics and safer sex practices. Similarly, penicillin could prevent syphilis infection.