ED is one of the most widespread sexual disorders, affecting approximately 30 million men worldwide. Unfortunately, many are too embarrassed to visit a physician and treat themselves without a proper diagnosis.
Due to needing help locating an appropriate clinic in their locality, many prefer online consultation through services like Mosh.
Unani Tibb
Unani Tibb is an ancient system of holistic medicine used around the world. Based on Hippocrates and Galen's teachings, Unani Tibb was further expanded by Arab physicians such as Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna).
A Unani Tibb practitioner utilizes multiple approaches to treat patients, including massage, herbal medicines, diet and exercise. They also educate on lifestyle practices to reduce future disorders. Furthermore, Unani Tibb practitioners believe in spiritual care that connects them to a higher power or nature, giving hope and empowerment for future health improvements. A maximum score in factor 5 shows Unani Tibb practitioners believe spiritual care helps their patients feel connected with nature and increases their overall quality of life.
Kushta Qal'al
Kushta Qal'al is an herbal-mineral remedy crafted from the calx of tin. Any product made by calcining any metal or mineral is known as "bhasma"; therefore, this formula of Kushta-e-qal'al (calcined tin). Kushta-e-call may help treat conditions such as spermatorrhoea, early ejaculation, impotence, infertility, as well as frailties of nerve debilities as it thickens semen.
Metal or mineral calx goes through Ghusle Advia, Tasfiya, and Tadbeer-e-Advia processes before being finely powdered and burned in crucibles for use as medicine. This dose should be taken alongside butter (or Majoon Arad Khurma) each morning.
Effective remedies to remedy sexual weakness and spermatorrhoea include increasing the density of semen production as well as improving male vitality and vitality, and treating nocturnal emission.
Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurved medicine has been practised for over three millennia and uses plant-based remedies, like herbs, to treat various conditions and promote overall wellness. Ayurved medicine has also proven its efficacy in relieving stress and improving sexual performance.
Ashwagandha, an ayurvedic herb widely used to treat erectile dysfunction by lowering stress levels and optimizing testosterone hormone levels, can help treat medicine for erectile dysfunction in Pakistan by supplementation or taken in a capsule or powder form as a daily capsule or powder dose. Ashwagandha may also help treat insomnia, fatigue and depression symptoms as it has anti-inflammatories properties.
Ayurved scriptures explain that premature ejaculation, or ED, is caused by inadequate sleep and mental strain. Ayurvedic medicines aim to increase virility and treat impotence by balancing an aggravated vata dosha, treating conditions related to it such as sprue, Marsha or dropsy, as well as using Safed Musli, which is known for having spermatogenic, androgenic, adaptogenic and erectogenic properties.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be an effective and safe treatment option for men suffering from low libido or erectile dysfunction. However, it's essential to discuss its pros and cons with your doctor before beginning. To minimize potential side effects and ensure maximum efficacy, try sticking to the lowest possible dose possible and taking progesterone and estrogen supplementation; these hormones will also help protect vaginal atrophy and make for easier sexual encounters. If you also have a uterus, then taking progesterone and estrogen supplements is also advised; these hormones will help protect it as they protect vaginal atrophy as well as provide more comfortable sexual encounters.
Recent research showed that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is highly prevalent in Pakistan, affecting as many as 80% of males - an alarming statistic which calls into question its prevalence among primary care settings and their screening practices. Unfortunately, cultural stigmatization prevents many men from discussing this with their physicians for fear of discrimination; to combat this problem, men must be educated about ED as well as its associated risk factors and prevention measures.