Erectile dysfunction, more commonly known as ED, affects millions of men worldwide. While occasional bouts may be normal, persistent symptoms could signal an underlying medical issue which must be treated.
Mosh doctors will assess your history and symptoms to properly diagnose erectile dysfunction, then design a tailored treatment plan specifically for you.
Unani Tibb
Unani Tibb is an integrative medicine approach that addresses all aspects of health and wellbeing. It has been successfully utilized for the treatment of various conditions, such as erectile dysfunction medicine in Pakistan. Furthermore, Unani Tibb provides additional benefits by increasing blood flow and decreasing stress levels as well as relieving symptoms associated with this disorder such as fatigue and headaches.
To conduct this study, we approached the directors of South African Tibb Association (SATA) to secure access to their mailing list and gain permission. A link for an online self-questionnaire was then distributed via email and practitioners were asked to complete it before data analysis using SPSS 20 software was performed on it.
Results revealed that most Unani Tibb practitioners regard spiritual care as being vitally important in their clinical practices, which highlights the need for further research on this aspect of Unani Tibb clinical care. This finding is significant and highlights its need for further exploration.
Kushta Qal’al
Qurs Kushta Qal'al is an Unani herbal-mineral remedy crafted from Calx of Tin (Kushta). This medication can provide powerful treatment against male reproductive issues. For instance, it can treat conditions like spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation, impotency, weakness of nerves and debility while thickening semen quality by thickening it further.
This medicine contains ingredients like Kaunch Beej, Gokharu, Safed Moosli and Ashwagandha and serves as an effective aphrodisiac that enhances sexual vitality, treats dysfunctional impotence and increases brain-sex organ coordination. Furthermore, its strengthening effects strengthen penis muscles for increased erectile power.
Use for treating emiciation, lack of strength and vigor, pre-mature ejaculation, loss of libido and male sterility. Composed of revitalizing and aphrodisiac herbs which stimulate the sex drive while increasing muscle tone; safe to use without side effects; recommended massage of several drops onto penis daily.
Herb Extracts
Herbal extracts are potency herbal preparations with high concentrations of active plant compounds that can easily be taken orally and quickly absorbed by the body. Tinctures (liquid extracts) can also provide great nutritional support, though tinctures may be preferred by people who prefer not using alcohol or those who have liver health concerns.
Herbal supplements such as Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) can increase libido and potency by acting as an aphrodisiac, increasing sperm concentration and arousal levels as well. Saffron (Crocus sativus) is another natural aphrodisiac that promotes sexual pleasure among both men and women.
The TGA does not collect data in product applications regarding the type of extraction solvent used for an ingredient; however, sponsors/manufacturers should consider this information when assessing whether two different extracts from different sources can be interchanged for optimal consistency from batch to batch - especially important in regards to standardised and trademarked ingredients.
Erectile dysfunction affects men of all ages and has been linked with reduced quality of life, relationship difficulties and feelings of lower self-worth. As it could also be indicative of an underlying medical or psychological problem it's important to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Your doctor will interview you about your symptoms and medical history in order to accurately diagnose ED. They'll conduct a physical exam and may order blood tests to check cholesterol, blood glucose, hormone and other levels. Finally, a nocturnal penile tumescence test may also be done at night time to evaluate firmness of erections during sleep.
Dietary supplements such as Ginseng, L-arginine and Tribulus terrestris can be effective ways of improving erectile function by increasing blood flow and stimulating testosterone production. Furthermore, these dietary supplements can be invaluable in managing stress that contributes to erectile dysfunction; particularly if taking antidepressants, antibiotics, or narcotics that cause side effects which affect nerves or blood flow - such as antidepressants, certain antibiotics or some narcotics.